Company Information
Environmental Activities
Striving for a bright future as a member
of an environmentally conscious city
Now preservation of the global environment is an essential and urgent issue both for the planet and humankind. OIKE group are actively engaged in environmental measures, as a company headquartered in Kyoto, where the Kyoto Protocol was signed up. We review all our business activities from viewpoint of coexistence with the earth to step up to earth conscious company.
Environmental philosophy
OIKE Group considers preservation of the global environment to be one of the most important issues facing us in the 21st century. We are therefore actively engaged in environmental activities.
Strict product assessment to ensure we develop environmentally friendly products
Our product line-up is designed to protect the environment. For example, our window film can reduce the use of air conditioner by cutting solar heat rays, and our vapor-deposited film serves as a substitute for electro-plating. Environmental impacts are top of mind in all our manufacturing operations. For example, we have developed formalin-free products for the textile industry, and a biodegradable deposited film made from corn for use in packaging. To ensure full compliance with regulations covering hazardous substances used in various fields, we are working actively to eliminate the use of such substances completely. We have fully implemented the anti-VOC measures prescribed in the Air Pollution Control Act.
Making efforts as an ISO14001-certified company to conserve energy and reduce waste
To address environmental issues in all aspects of company operations, we established a environmental management system and were certified under ISO14001 in March 2004. Initiatives at our plants to reduce the burden on the environment include conserving energy, reducing waste and promoting recycling.